Just weeks before a subcontractor died, two workers at Everton FC’s new stadium were injured in separate safety accidents.
Work at the Premier League club’s £500 million Bramley-Moore Dock site was temporarily suspended on August 14 after ventilation engineer Michael Jones died of head injuries. However, a worker at the Liverpool facility had fractured their foot less than two weeks before, and another had injured their arm in July. In neither case was there a watchdog investigation.
A Freedom of Information request to the Health and Safety Executive uncovered nine instances of injuries at the Laing O’Rourke-managed site since July 2021. Following Mr Jones’s death, we reported on how the firm was accused of withholding adequate union access to the site.
A Freedom of Information request to the Health and Safety Executive uncovered nine instances of injuries at the Laing O’Rourke-managed site since July 2021. Following Mr Jones’s death, we reported on how the firm was accused of withholding adequate union access to the site.
Jerry Swain, the leader of Unite, said: “Two serious accidents before the death of Mr Jones should have alerted Laing O’Rourke that safety was a problem.” Mersey Vent Ltd, Mr Jones’s company, said it was collaborating with the police and HSE investigation, adding, “The safety of our team is our priority.”
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