Five Cleveland Guardians Issues Waiting For Resolution
The Cleveland Guardians off-season plate is full.

After ending the 2023 season with a disappointing 76-86, third-place finish in the relatively underwhelming American League Central Division, the Guardians front office has their work cut out.
According to Fangraphs, Cleveland finished the season with an estimated $98 million payroll.
Here are the Fangraphs payroll estimates, and their finish in the standings for the teams in the American League Central:

Chicago White Sox-$177 million (4th)
Minnesota Twins-$159 million (1st)
Detroit Tigers-$121 million (2nd)
Cleveland Guardians-$98 million (3rd)
Kansas City Royals-$91 million (5th)
While payroll did not directly correlate to winning in the Central this past season, there is no mistaking the fact that the Twins and Tigers are on the rise.
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