Breaking News: Jason Kelce Reason for Retirement

The Eagles published a video containing Jason Kelce praising team members for their years of dedication after he announced his retirement. Upon closer inspection, an odd item was visible in that video: Kelce had bandaged his ankles, just like he would for a game. As it happened, the ankle video revealed a unique bond between Kelce and a team trainer.

On social media, Eagles trainer Joe O’Pella claimed to have taped Kelce’s ankles each and every game for a number of years. However, O’Pella was receiving chemotherapy, so he was unable to attend Kelce’s final game of his career, the playoff loss in Tampa. Thus, before O’Pella gave his farewell address, Kelce asked him to be the final Eagle to tape his ankles.

What this man has meant to me and my family over the past ten or more years is almost beyond words, as you are all aware of his on-field and numerous off-field accomplishments, O’Pella wrote. He offered his shore house if I needed to get away, and he offered to pay for meal services to help my wife and me out when I was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo radiation and chemotherapy in what would be his final season. He also called me at random when I was at home and too sick to come in because of chemo, just to check on me and talk about random things. That characterizes him as a person.

For thirteen seasons, I taped this guy’s thumbs and ankles every day. Unfortunately, my disease prevented me from being present when he played his final game in Tampa. He even offered to have me record him at his retirement press conference when I told him he was retiring and regretted not being the final person to ever tape him. He is that person. And my aim is that these tales can enrich an incredible heritage already in place.
Kelce shows his appreciation to Eagles staff members in the video.

Thank you so much fo everything that everyone in here does and means to this organization, to the players,” Kelce said. “It’s been an honor to work with all of you. The feeling is clearly mutual.

That’s why they got worse — or perhaps better — after winning a Super Bowl. They experienced the feeling of standing up on top of the mountain and looking around. They want it again. Badly. Kelce understands it. He embraced it during his time with the team. It’s the give-a-shit factor. Eagles fans give more of a shit than any other sports city. They want those who represent the city to give as much of a shit as the fans do. That’s the key. That’s how to crack the code in the town with the broken Liberty Bell. If you play for a Philadelphia sports team, show in all that you do that winning is as important to you as it is to them.

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