Sad News: Following the release of an emotional interview, Richarlison sends a heartfelt message to Everton supporters

Everton fans absolutely adore Richarlison, even if he has not featured for them in over a year and a half.


Some relationships transcend what club a player plays for, with his conduct ever since leaving indicative of just how much respect he still holds for the football club that handed him the platform to thrive after a solid spell with Watford.

His brace at Goodison Park in February exhibited this perfectly, refusing to celebrate either of his well-taken strikes. He respects Goodison Park and its inhabitants too much, and they, in return, love him.


So, to see him struggling mentally was tough to see, for any football fan for that matter. Fortunately, he seems to be out the other side, and wanted to thank the Toffees for their unrelenting support.


Richarlison sends message to Evertonians

Well, this latest message sent by the Brazilian stems from an interview which has emerged just recently.

Within it, the affable 26-year-old details just how much he struggled with his mental health, at a time when many might have assumed he would be on top of the world.

Fortunately, he did not, and through the help of a psychologist he has come through the other end unscathed.


Evertonians were unsurprisingly sympathetic for their former striker, who forged a fine relationship with Goodison Park across his four years at the club. Many fan accounts, and even the official club site, all sent messages to the striker.

And given the outpouring of support, he wanted to offer his thanks, taking to X to write: ‘Thanks for always be there for me. Lots of love for all evertonians’.


Everton still miss Richarlison so much

There is a reason why the Everton faithful still adore Richarlison nearly two years after his departure.

After all, it could be argued that he stayed far longer than he needed to, having been the club’s outstanding performer ever since he joined, but having stuck around despite the struggles felt.

In his final season in particular, just before departing for north London, he would take the team on his back to score ten and assist a further five in the Premier League, firing them to safety.

His willingness to show up in big moments is what endeared him to Evertonians, alongside his tendency to wind up opposition fans online.


The Toffees certainly miss someone of his calibre now, given just how profligate they continue to be in front of goal. Were they to boast someone of Richarlison’s quality, relegation would likely not be a threat at all.

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