NHL analyst draws comparisons between Doug Gilmour and Nick Robertson due to the following factors.

Howard Berger, who writes a Toronto Maple Leafs blog titled Between the Posts, recently noted that he believes this team has a chance of doing as well as any he’s seen recently in the postseason.


Specifically, Berger noted, “From my vantage point, this edition of the Core-4 Leafs is the most prepared to make a serious run at the Stanley Cup. Now, I’m not boldly predicting they’ll advance past the opening round, let alone win the championship for the first time in 57 years. The quality of opponents in the Atlantic Division means either Boston, Florida, or Toronto will face an early exit. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be the Leafs.”

Berger Has Typically Been Critical of the Maple Leafs

Berger’s assessment highlights a shift in the Maple Leafs’ approach compared to previous seasons, notably contrasting with the “all in” strategy under former general manager Kyle Dubas. This year, he believes the team is concluding the regular season with a sense of quiet efficiency that has been absent in recent memory.

Even as Auston Matthews pursues the goal-scoring record, there is a deliberate balance of attention and focus, both from Matthews himself and the organization. His remarkable pace toward the milestone is met with humility and dedication, demonstrating composure amid the intense spotlight.


Berger believes this understated approach could prove advantageous for the Maple Leafs as they prepare for the postseason. Armed with a blend of talent and composure, they have a genuine opportunity to make an impact in the playoffs. The key will be maintaining this steady demeanor and translating it into success on the ice when the stakes are highest.


Berger Has a Unique Take on Nick Robertson

His unique take on Nick Robertson made me interested in Berger’s assessment. Like many, he considered Robertson too undersized for the NHL despite his skill. Yet, Robertson has surprised many with his tenacity and determination.

As Berger notes, I didn’t initially realize that “little Nick” can be quite a force on the ice. I was genuinely impressed when he spoke against being kept out of the lineup as a healthy scratch. Even more striking was his ability to back up his words with actions once given another opportunity to play.”


Finally, Berger noted that the more he observes Robertson, “the more I see shades of Doug Gilmour in his relentless approach to the game. His determination and grit are reminiscent of the legendary player.”


The comparison between Robertson and Gilmour is intriguing and speaks to Robertson’s relentless approach to the game. Robertson’s determination and grit echo the qualities of the legendary player. If he can excel under the physical challenges of the Stanley Cup playoffs, the Maple Leafs could have a gem.

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