Sad news as Gervonta Davis did this to Ryan Garcia

Davis beat Garcia in 2023 but remained on good terms with him afterwards and celebrated joyously when he beat his bitter rival Devin Haney last month.

Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) used to assist athletic performance by helping build muscle mass, burn fat and increase stamina. Nadrolone is a synthetic (lab-made) version of testosterone

Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) used to assist athletic performance by helping build muscle mass, burn fat and increase stamina. Nadrolone is a synthetic (lab-made) version of testosterone.

Both are well known to be banned substances, with Amir Khan having been banned over a positive test for ostarine in 2022 and Tyson Fury having accepted a backdated ban over a positive test for nandrolone in 2015.

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