One big hint: Manu Ginobili played on both of those San Antonio teams (with and without hair) | Brendan Maloney-USA TODAY Sports
One other team that manhandled a Spurs squad to get to the finals is also mentioned…
Neal Paine of ESPN did something this week that’s near and dear to my heart: trying to compare this season’s conference finalists to championship rosters that have ascended to the top of a particular season’s mountain. Paine starts with this lovely tagline: “Sometimes, to see into the future, you need to look to the past,” and then proceeded to supply the readers a) who this season’s team is most similar to, b) the particular reason(s) why that is, and c) which component is missing on the 2024 version of that team type.
This season’s Boston Celtics ended up being most similar to… the 2014 San Antonio Spurs! This is mostly in part due to a “potent offense.” Additionally Paine states quite awesomely
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