Breaking: You won’t believe what the Mets do in London.

This story was excerpted from Anthony DiComo’s Mets Beat newsletter. To read the full newsletter, click here. And subscribe to get it regularly in your inbox.

LONDON — Shortly after the Mets took the London Series finale from the Phillies, 6-5 in rather dramatic fashion on Sunday, Brandon Nimmo was asked if this, finally, might be the type of win — big event, tough opponent, massive crowd, all sorts of energy — that could spark the Mets out of their early-season doldrums.

Nimmo needed only a moment to dispute the notion.

“Well, but…” he began. “I mean, we just swept the Nationals, too. Have we been looking for a spark? Or are we just looking to build on things? My opinion, personally, we’re looking to continue to build. We’ve been playing much better baseball for the past two weeks.”

Nimmo credited his team with improved play as far back as May 16, when the Mets stole the final installment of a four-game home-and-home series with the Phillies. The reality is that the team continued struggling for a while longer, losing 10 of 12 before beginning to find more solid ground at the end of May. In three series against the Diamondbacks, Nationals and Phillies since that time, the Mets have gone 6-3

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