Training Like Mike Tyson: I Undertook His 30-Day Boxing Workout and Saw Incredibly Positive Results

My earliest memory of Tyson is watching a video of him performing neck bridges. At first, I was equal parts fascinated and intimidated, but that soon turned into awe. While I’ve since incorporated neck bridges into my own training, I’ve never achieved the same level of fluidity and ease as Tyson.


In May 2024, I set myself the goal of shedding excess body fat and getting leaner for the summer. Right about then, I came across a peer-reviewed study that concluded boxing training led to significant improvements in body fat percentage, blood pressure, arterial stiffness, VO2 max, and quality of life compared to moderate-intensity cardio. (1)

As a veteran personal trainer who relies on scientific evidence, it was all I needed to hear to adopt Iron Mike’s legendary boxing regimen. In this article, I will take you through my entire 30-day training journey and reveal the results.


30-Day Review of Mike Tyson’s Workout Program

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